CMS News | Contract Mechanical Services


CMS Junior & Smallfry Fishing Tournament
21 March 2020
CMS Junior & Smallfry Fishing Tournament

We took a gamble going ahead with the Competition, with the government moving us to Level 2 on the Friday afternoon meaning we had to adapt to keeping numbers under 100 - challenging when we had a great interest of 68 anglers.  Parents and kids alike were grateful we went ahead to give them all something else to focus on instead of COVID.

174 fish weighed on a beautiful day on the water.  The smallfry's (10 and under) weighed some lovely fish - 8.3kg Kingfish, 3kg Snapper and the Juniors keeping up with an impressive 20.8kg Kingfish and 4.4kg Snapper.

Of course, the fun is all in the prizes from Barbie's to Nerf guns to remote controlled helicopters, tents and much much more!

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